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Title: Modeling and control of fed batch fermentation process for the production of recombinant protein in escherichia coli
Researcher: Geethalakshmi, S
Guide(s): Pappa, N
Keywords: electrical engineering
fermentation process
Upload Date: 19-Aug-2014
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/04/2012
Abstract: Rapid development of novel recombinant proteins based on newlinegenetically engineered Escherichia coli using fed batch fermentation newlinetechniques is imperative for cost effective production of such products at newlineindustrial scale Mechanistic understanding of the fermentation process for newlinerecombinant protein through model based monitoring and control of key newlineprocess variables is vital to accomplish such objectives Lack of online sensors for the measurement of process variables and intracellular metabolites hinder the development of accurate model to describe fermentation process A simple unstructured model developed with newlinelimited state variables and constant process parameters has limitations in newlinepredicting the response of the complex and nonlinear recombinant protein newlineproduction process for wide operating conditions and therefore not suitable as newlinea generic model In this work a segregated, unstructured model has been formulated newlineto describe coli based fermentation processes for various recombinant newlineproteins The predictive capability of unstructured model for different newlineoperating conditions and genetic insert was found to be limited due to wide newlinedisparity in process parameters newline newline
Pagination: vi,98P.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

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