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Title: Certain investigations on intelligent control techniques to identify diabetic diseases in fundus retinal image
Researcher: Vandarkuzhali T
Guide(s): Ravichandran C S
Keywords: Diabetic Diseases
Engineering and Technology,Engineering,Engineering Electrical and Electronic
Fundus Retinal Image
Intelligent Control
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2017
Abstract: The Digital Image Processing is evolving from time to time along with the growth of computers whose application can be extended to Ophthalmology too In the field of medical sciences Image processing analysis and computer vision techniques are increasing their prominence as they are promptly dependent on visually oriented signs The role of image processing in Ophthalmology has grown over the last few years It includes the progress being made towards diagnostic systems for certain conditions such as Diabetic Retinopathy DR deterioration of the central retina retinopathy prematurity exudates lesions and disease related with DR etc In order to find the diabetic diseases an automated image analysis is used to detect Optic Disk OD blood vessel and fovea etc The analysis is carried out in three distinct stages namely to location of optic disc blood vessel and fovea DR is caused due to the damage in small blood vessels located in the retina due to the diabeties also leads to vision loss Fluid leaks into macula a section of the retina which allows us to view colors and fine details The fluid causes the macula to swell resulting in blurred vision The fragile abnormal blood vessels can leak blood into the back of the eye and block the vision It detects microaneurysms microscopic blood filled bulges in the artery walls and macular edema The vision is blurred and darkened due to the symptoms of macular edema and images are distorted that are different in both eyes The diabetic patients will have vision loss of about 10 percent related to macular edema newline
Pagination: xxix, 148p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Electrical Engineering

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