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Title: Bioprospecting Marine Bivalve Mollusks And Cephalopods From South West Coast Of India For Potential Bioactive Molecules
Researcher: Selsa J Chakkalakal
Guide(s): Kajal Chakraborty
Keywords: Physical Sciences,Chemistry,Chemistry Multidisciplinary
University: Mangalore University
Completed Date: 
Abstract: The phylum molluska represents one of the largest and most diverse groups of newlinemarine animals and are considered to be an important source to derive bioactive newlinecompounds. Mollusks contain rich nutrients that are beneficial to people of all ages. Large newlinepopulations, particularly those living in coastal areas relied on these animals for a newlinesubstantial portion of their diet and few reports available in the public domain deal with newlinethe traditional use of mussels against diseases. The consumption of mollusks as popular newlineseafood has increased steadily over the past decades and extensive research efforts newlineinitiated to derive bioactive molecules that promote health in that field. Bivalve mollusks newlineand cephalopods are widely used in different parts of the world for various studies, but newlineonly recently they have been recognized as potential sources for bioactive compounds. newline
Pagination: xx, 468
Appears in Departments:Department of Chemistry

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