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Title: Systems Engineering Approach for Design and Development of Combat Aircraft
Researcher: G Ramesh
Guide(s): Ramchand K
Keywords: multi-role combat aircraft, Model Based Systems Engineering, use of surrogate models
University: Jain University
Completed Date: 21/12/2017
Abstract: Present generation multi-role combat aircraft with fly by wire and newlinestate of the art weapons technologies are very complex systems. Complexity newlineof combat aircraft mandates the need for design teams to have multidisciplinary newlineexperience in the entire aircraft design with a core expertise in their newlinerespective domains. This would enable in design and development of optimal newlineproducts/systems in a collaborative and cohesive integrated environment of newlinevarious engineering domains. newlineModel Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is a methodology for design and development of systems using integrated models. These models represent functional simulation models with attributes representing requirements, specifications, interdisciplinary dependencies and interfaces between the systems/models. Functional simulation models used in solving aircraft engineering design problems are commercial high fidelity analysis/simulation software tools. The commercial nature of these individual disciplinary software tools prevent their integration into a MBSE framework and precludes them from being used as performance measurement tools in MBSE. The use of approximation models or surrogates to replace the commercial simulation newlinetools, in Multi Disciplinary systems design, is a natural approach to avoid the newlineMBSE integration barriers. This research brings out a MBSE methodology, newlinebased on the use of surrogate models, for developing functional architecture newlinethat can be implemented in a MBSE framework. newline
Pagination: 189 p.
Appears in Departments:Aerospace engineering

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