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Title: Postural Impact on Health and Job Satisfaction of Women Computer Operators
Researcher: Rekha V S
Guide(s): Chitra Prakash
Keywords: Social Sciences,Social Sciences General, Resource Management
University: Avinashilingam Deemed University For Women
Completed Date: 28.02.2017
Abstract: Women s employment has become increasingly important due to the recent changes in newlineeconomic and social life. Computer work dominates the occupational health of the worker. It is newlineassociated with severity of musculoskeletal disorders. Pleasant working conditions are important to newlinewomen than man, because they have to play multiple roles to play in the work place as well as at newlinehome. A survey was conducted to find out the ergonomic factors of computer workstations to gather newlinerelevant information from women computer workers, feedback from medical practitioners on health newlineproblems of women computer operator and a market survey to assess the type of furniture and related newlineinformation regarding computer work station in Chennai. Questionnaires were mailed to 500 IT and newline500 from Non IT companies. Based on the response received, from Phase I 50 samples were given newlineintervention on postural habits, exercise and diet counseling to improve the health of the participants newlineand also 50 managers from Non IT sectors were approached to provide the information regarding the newlineimportance of ergonomics in the computer work stations. After the training program the researcher newlineselected ten samples for the case study. All the selected samples expressed satisfaction and newlineexperienced positive change in their dietary pattern and attitude towards practicing good posture at newlinework place. 10 percent of the managers accepted to provide upholstered and ergonomically designed newlinechairs for their employees and rest agreed to implement in future when funds are available. Systematic newlinetraining in ergonomics, provision of ergonomically designed furniture along with work stations could newlineeliminate many of the identified deficiencies. Guidelines instructions and recommendations on newlinecomputer work station are available which is to be followed. Implementations of these can reduce newlineergonomic deficiencies in the work places. Women are the backbone of the nation, Hence the nations newlinedevelopment depends upon the health of the womenfolk. newline
Pagination: 200 p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Resource Management

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