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Title: Information secking behaviour of the faculty and researchers in the colleges and department of education in universities of Haryana
Researcher: Virendra Kumar Mittal
Guide(s): U.C. Sharma
Keywords: Engineering and Technology,Computer Science,Library Information and Science
University: Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University Agra
Completed Date: 20-03-2012
Abstract: Social Science research over the years has witnessed an exponential growth both newlinequantitatively, leading to tremendous increase in the literature. It requires a lot of time to scan newlinethe whole gamut of information available in one s respective field of specialization which is an newlineimpediment to sustain scholarly pursuits. This has brought more responsibilities on librarians. newlineThe solution lies in effective management of information resources. This entrails assessment of newlineinformation need of scholars. In order to overcome this problem, libraries have to redesign newlineneed based information system and to develop more effective reference tools and services, the newlinelibraries also need to know and understand the information seeking behavior of their research newlinescholars and faculties by conducting studies in this area. newlineThe present study aims to trace and compare the information seeking behaviour of newlinefaculty members and research scholars in colleges and department of education in universities newlineof Haryana. This study would help the information specialist to improve the collection and newlineinformation services by shaping them to match the needs of individual specialists. In addition, newlinethis study would be useful in identifying the actual strength and weakness of library resources newlineand services. newline
Pagination: 9.52MB
Appears in Departments:Department of Library and Information Science

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