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Title: Designing and Parametric Analysis of Grounding System of Gas Insulated Substation for Multi Layered Soil Model
Researcher: Kumar, Rajesh
Guide(s): Bansal, Kamal, Saini, Devender K, Paul, I P S
Keywords: Engineering and Technology,Engineering,Engineering Electrical and Electronic, Grounding system, Gas insulated substation
University: University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES)
Completed Date: 7/1/2017
Abstract: The goal of the thesis is to improve upon the current restrictions for the newlinegrounding grid design, while minimizing the material (i.e., MS conductors) newlineand installation costs of a grid. Other objectives of thesis are to get a relatively accurate soil resistivity structure model with two different layers of soil instead of uniform soil model and map the different parameters that will influence the performance of the grounding system and to compute the effect of each parameter on the design. Further there is to need to develop a software program for designing of grounding system for two layer soil resistivity model newlineof GIS substation and estimate the surface potential on different parts of substation and division of fault current in the grounding mat using the scale model. Also, empirical formulas for designing of grounding system with two newlinelayer soil model are required. newline
Pagination: 158p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Power System Engineering

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