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Title: Quasi lossless fractal image compression of medical images based on self organising neural network
Researcher: Bhavani, S
Guide(s): Thanushkodi, K
Keywords: Image compression
Information and communication engineering
Magnetic Resonance Images
Upload Date: 7-Aug-2014
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/07/2012
Abstract: The last few decades have witnessed a remarkable advancement in newlinethe field of image compression Image compression plays a key role in newlinemedical image analysis Compression methods are essential in many medical newlineapplications to ensure fast searching of images future storage and analysis of newlinemeasured data Image compression can be either lossy or lossless In lossless newlinecompression the reconstructed image exactly resembles the original image In newlinelossy compression as reconstruction is not possible it leads to information loss newlinein the reconstructed image newlineRecently many methods proposed for fractal image compression newlinehave gained attention for achieving high compression ratios However it newlineresults in information loss and consumes more encoding time In order to newlineovercome the above stated issues a quasi lossless technique is required that newlinewill compress the medical image preserving image quality providing high newlinecompression ratio newline newline
Pagination: xix, 133p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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