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Title: Gender and local knowlege: the case of soil management in satara district maharashtra
Researcher: Kelkar, Meghana
Guide(s): Datar, Chhaya
Keywords: Social Sciences
Upload Date: 7-Aug-2014
University: Tata Institute of Social Sciences
Completed Date: n d
Abstract: newline Agricultural and Rural development ideology has seen major ideological newlineshifts from modernisation green revolution sustainahle development and the newlinemost recent participation and empowerment The participation of both the Iocal newlinecommunities and women occupy a prominent limelight in the recent development newlineideology across the globe and also in India The emergence of women in agriculture newlinein the agricultural development discourse in India is comparatively recent and has newlinegained roots after the emergence of social critique on the green revolution newlinetechnologies Although the addition of women in the agricultural development newlineideology is a step forward this addition i institutionalised 011 the basis of weak newlineinstrumental and sometimes detrimental premise
Pagination: -
Appears in Departments:School of Social Sciences

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