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Title: Situation of families of prisoners in creater bombay and thane districts
Researcher: Chakrabarti, Vandana
Guide(s): Naidu Usha, S
Keywords: Social Work
Upload Date: 6-Aug-2014
University: Tata Institute of Social Sciences
Completed Date: 1987
Abstract: The study was conducted to eXplore the newline newlinesituation of familie s of prisoners and gain insight newlineinto Yarious problems faced by them The problems newlineof wives and childrenln particular were looked into newlineInterviews with key persons newlineA revie w of existing literature provided newline newlinewith a broad outline for the study However newlinemost of the literature did not pertain to Indian newline newlineconditions As such a number of key persons having newline newlineexperience in working with the families of prisoners newline newlinewere interviewed These interviews helped the newlineresearcher to get an inSight into the problem areas newlineto be pe suaded and helped to frame objectives for newlinethe study
Pagination: -
Appears in Departments:School of Social Work

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03_acknowledgements.pdf76.32 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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