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Title: Organisational effectiveness for resource mobilization: an assessment of a rural development project sponsored by an industry
Researcher: Panwalkar, V G
Guide(s): Desai, K G
Keywords: Social Work
Upload Date: 6-Aug-2014
University: Tata Institute of Social Sciences
Completed Date: 1989
Abstract: knowledge and understanding of the organizational structure and the processes operating therein is essential to meet the demands and make rural development organizations more effective and functional newlineBy and large the Industry s interest in rural development newlinehad been marginal except for a small number of business houses newlinewhose leaders with their philanthropic orientation tried to newlineprovide some s ervices at the local community level But with newlineencouragement newline newlinefrom the government under the secions 35CC and 35 newline newlineCCA of Income Tax Act 1961 providing tax incentives we find a newlinesudden growth in the number of industries initiating rural newlinedevelopment programmes
Pagination: -
Appears in Departments:School of Social Work

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