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Title: A study on Food Security Energy Balance and Chronic Energy Deficiency in Women of Reproductive Age Group in Rural Varanasi
Researcher: Khanam Zoobi
Guide(s): Shankar Hari
Keywords: Clinical Pre Clinical and Health
EB and CED
University: Banaras Hindu University
Completed Date: 2014
Abstract: Food security has been major developmental objective of the India since the newlinebeginning of the planning. Linkages between household and individual food newlinesecurity, energy balance and chronic energy deficiency in women belonging to newlinereproductive age group in rural setups have been not explored optimally. With this newlinebackground this study was contemplated to find out Household and Individual newlineFood Security, Energy Balance and Chronic Energy Deficiency in women of newlinereproductive age in rural Varanasi. newlineThe specific objectives of this study were: newline1. To investigate the extent of household as well as individual food security of newlinethe study subjects. newline2. To compute the Energy Balance of study subjects. newline3. To find out the Nutritional Status of study subjects with special reference to newlineCED. newline4. To find out the association among Food Security, Energy Balance and newlineCED. newline5. To identify the correlates of Food Security, Energy Balance and CED. newlineThis study was conducted in rural area of Varanasi adopting a community based newlinecross sectional design. Women of reproductive age group (15-49 years) were newlineconsidered for this study. Pregnant and seriously ill women were excluded from newlinethe study. Computation of required sample size of 610 was based on the newlineassumption that prevalence of CED in the rural reproductive age group women is newlinearound 40%. The required sample was selected by adopting multi stage random newlinesampling procedure. The study had prior approval of the academic bodies of newlineBanaras Hindu University, Varanasi, and prior consent was taken from the study newlinesubjects for participation in this study. newline
Appears in Departments:Department of Community Medicine

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chapter-2 review of literature.pdf344.26 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
chapter-3 material & methods.pdf223.09 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
chapter-4 results & discusssion.pdf494.83 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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