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Title: Mathematical Creativity Mathematical Aptitude and Mathematical Problem Solving Performance A Cross Lagged Panel Analysis
Researcher: Tyagi Tarun Kumar
Guide(s): Singh Bhoodev
Keywords: Autocorrelation
Lagged Panel Correlation
Mathematical Creativity
Social Sciences
Spurious Correlation
Synchronous Correlation
University: Banaras Hindu University
Completed Date: 2014
Abstract: Today we live in scientific and technological era. Therefore, every country has a great need of creative talent to maintain its own existence and national prosperity. The development of a nation depends upon gray gold rather than black gold. There is a need to identifying creative mathematicians, creative scientists, creative doctors, etc. Due to maximum utilization of natural resources, there is always a need of potential persons. Aptitude can be considered as the phase or area of an individual s mental ability in which he can be expected to continue to improve a point of exceptional performance. Problem solving is the heart of mathematics (Halmos, 1980) and supposed to play a crucial role in mathematics education. It plays an important role to solve Real world problems. Mathematics problem solving is central point of mathematics learning. To focus on mathematical creativity without considering their mathematical aptitude and mathematical problem solving ability is nearly similar to studying plant growth without considering the soil. It is an incomplete attempt to construct the theory of mathematical creativity. In the present study the researcher has considered mathematical creativity and its relationship to mathematical aptitude and mathematical problem solving performance as an important variable. newlineConceptual Background of the Problem newlineThere has long been an on-going debate about the positive relationship between mathematical creativity and mathematical aptitude (Jenson, 1973; and Tuli, 1979) but in contrast, the results of studies do not support similar findings (Buckeye, 1963 and Kesse, 1972). Verma (1991) and Srivastva (1992) found significant relationship between scientific creativity and scientific aptitude. Singh (1993) and Somashekhar (1998) reported that mathematical creativity does not contribute significantly in the development of problem solving performance in mathematics. newline
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Education

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