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Title: Evaluation of radioprotective potential of some bioflavonoids in mice exposed to gamma radiation
Researcher: Shrikant Laxmanrao Patil
Guide(s): Rajashekhar K. Patil
Keywords: Gamma radiation
Radioprotective potential
University: Mangalore University
Completed Date: 
Abstract: Ionizing radiation is considered as a potent carcinogen. It is injurious to living newlineorganisms, as it induces oxidative stress. To protect against such injuries, it is necessary newlineto screen radioprotecitve agents that are non-toxic and can protect if administered after newlineradiation exposures. Flavonoids are polyphenolic compounds containing a unique newlinestructure (diphenyl propane structure). Recently, flavonoids have attracted attention newlinebecause of their antioxidant role. Bioflavonoids Rutin and Quercetin have been newlinedemonstrated as potent anti-inflammatory in a number of animal studies. To investigate newlinethe possible role of Rutin (RUT) and Quercetin (QRT) as radioprotectors following newlinestudies have been carried out. newlinePreliminary studies revealed that RUT (10mg/kg body weight) and QRT newline(20mg/kg body weight) when administered orally for five consecutive days prior to newlinegamma irradiation (IR) could protect about 70% of the animals for more than 30 days newline(period of observation) as assessed by their survival. newline
Pagination: 155
Appears in Departments:Department of Applied Zoology

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