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Title: Oscillation results for second order Nonliner difference equations
Researcher: Ramuppillai, L
Guide(s): Thandapani, E
Keywords: Mathematics Second order Nonliner difference equations
Upload Date: 1-Jul-2014
University: Periyar University
Completed Date: 02/08/1999
Abstract: quotThis thesis deals with quotquotOscillatory properties of solutions of newlinecertain class of second order nonlinear difference equationsquotquot. It newlinecontains six chapters. Chapter 1 gives necessary introduction newlineand motivation. In Chapters 2 and 3, we have obtained sufficient newlineand necessary conditions for the oscillation of solutions of the newlinefollowing difference equations newlineA(a nAyn ) +4)(n, n N0 newlineand newline+ q n yn7 (n) = en ,ne N newlinerespectively. newlineChapters 4 and 5 deal with the oscillatory properties of newlinesecond order quasilinear difference equations of the forms newlineA(an_i Ayn_i I Ayn_i) + qn f(yn) = 0, nEN newlineA(an_i Ayn- i I u-1 Ayn-1) qn f(yn () = 0, n E N newlineA(an_ilAyn_i newlinea-1 newlineAyn_)+ F(n,yn ) = G(n,yn ,Ayn ), nEN(no), newlinerespectively. newlineFinally, in Chapter 6, we obtain criteria for the oscillation newlineof all / bounded solutions of the neutral type second order newlinedifference equations. newlineExamples are given throughout the thesis, wherever newlinenecessary, to illustrate the results.quot newline newline
Pagination: 87p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Mathematics

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