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Title: Chemical control of an Orchard Pest Myllocerus Sp its Bionomics and impact on the Biotic complex
Researcher: Dar, Habib Ullah
Guide(s): Dildar Ahmad
Keywords: Chemical control, Orchard Pest, Myllocerus Sp.
Upload Date: 1-Jul-2014
University: University of Kashmir
Completed Date: 
Abstract: The present work was undertaken to study in newlinedetails the bionomics of Mvllocerus fotedarl and to find out if it can be effectively controlled by the commonly used modern newlinesynthetic insecticides, in addition to study the Impact of such control measures on the other insects that are found to live newlinein association with this species.For the sake of convenience,the findings have been presented in two parts. Whereas part I newlinedeals with the Economic importance of the family Curculionidae and the Bionomics of M.fotedari. part II includes the control newlinemeasures against the weevil and their Impact on the biotic complex. newline
Appears in Departments:Department of Zoology

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