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Title: Behaviour of Fibre reinforced Self-Compacting concrete and its application as wall Panels
Researcher: Chandrasekhar, Morampudi
Guide(s): Rao, M V Seshagiri
Janardhana, M
Keywords: Behaviour
Upload Date: 30-Jun-2014
University: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad
Completed Date: 2013
Abstract: The development of Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) is described by the Concrete Society and Building Research Establishment (BRE) newlineas a quiet revolution in the construction industry resulting in massive usage of SCC worldwide. Incorporation of fibres has further enhanced the strength and durability of the properties of SCC. The fibres include newlinesteel, nylon, poly-propylene, glass, Carbon and so on. Further, hybridization of different typs of fibres proved to be more effective. Hybridization of fibres means using a combination of two or more newlinedifferent types of fibres. In the earlier days, wall panels were mostly used for newlineenvironmental protection ignoring its structural capacity. But in the recent years, reinforced concrete walls have been used as integral part of structural system to resist lateral and seismic loads and they gained popularity in the construction of ultistoreyed buildings. It is observed that not much work has been done on the behaviour of fibre reinforced SCC walls as structural members. newline
Pagination: 205 p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Civil Engineering

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