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Title: Performance evaluation of the Tirunelveli district central Cooperative bank
Researcher: Annapooranan,S
Guide(s): Thalavai Pillai, N
Keywords: central Cooperative bank
credit deployment
deposit mobilization
Tirunelveli district
weaker sections
Upload Date: 24-Jun-2014
University: Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
Completed Date: June 2009
Abstract: The co-operative sector plays a vital role in fulfiling the directive principles and the objectives of the Five Year Plans in India. It seeks to remove the economic inequalities and evils of concentration of income and wealth and thereby prevents the exploitation of the weaker sections by the stronger ones. newlineIn India, the co-operative sector has been assigned an imperative role in the development of many sectors. The co-operative sector covers a number of vital areas like agriculture, rural and small scale industries, retail distribution and housing. Since independence, the co-operative sector has made progress especially in the fields of agricultural credit, marketing and processing of agricultural produce, supply of farm inputs and distribution of consumer goods. newline newlineThe following are the main objectives of the study: To study the growth and development of Tirunelveli District Central Co-operative Bank, to analyse the trend and growth of deposits of the bank in respect of institution-wise deposits, type-wise deposits and source-wise deposits, to study the loans, advances and recovery performance of the bank, to evaluate the financial performance of Tirunelveli District Central Co-operative Bank, to assess the views of employees regarding the working performance of Tirunelveli District Central Co-operative Bank and to offer suitable suggestions for the improvement of the working of the bank. newlineThe Tirunelveli District Central Co-operative Bank has been functioning in all the significant parts of the district through 27 branches balancedly. The study has analysed the functioning of the bank with regard to deposit mobilisation, issue of loans and advances, recovery of loans, financial aspects and views of employees regarding the working performance of the Bank. The functioning of the study unit has been quite impressive in terms of deposit mobilisation and credit deployment. But the bank has failed to arrest the overdue position and strengthen the share capital base. The bank has not effectively utilised
Pagination: xiv,249p.
Appears in Departments:Scott Christian College

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