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Title: Scholastic backwardness science process skills and scientific creativity of upper primary students
Researcher: Girija, Kumari S
Guide(s): Sukumaran, P S
Keywords: Scholastic backwardness
Science process skills
Scientific creativity
Upper primary students
Upload Date: 23-Jun-2014
University: Mahatma Gandhi University
Completed Date: 14/03/2013
Abstract: This study investigated the scholastic backwardness, science process skills and scientific creativity of upper primary students. The sample consisted of 1243 scholastically backward upper primary students from the various schools of Southern districts of Kerala. Science process skill tests for VIIth , VIth and Vth standards, scientific creativity test etc were the tools used for the study. Descriptive method is used for the investigation in which normative survey technique is employed for the collection of relevant data. The data collected were analyzed using t-test, analysis of variance, LSD test of pair wise comparison and Karl Pearson s product moment coefficient of correlation. The findings of the study revealed that the prevalence of scholastic backwardness in upper primary level is around 23%. The study revealed that the science process skills of scholastically backward upper primary students were in the average level. Also majority of scholastically backward upper primary students have only average or low level of scientific creativity. The study also revealed that socio-demographic variables have no impact on scholastic backwardness. The results are discussed in detail and the implications and suggestions for future research are also presented newline
Pagination: xv,205p,cvi
Appears in Departments:School of Behavioural Sciences

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