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Title: Studies on Pulsatile Release Formulation of Aceclofenac and Serratiopeptidase for Treatment of Inflammatory disorders
Researcher: Patel, Vipul
Guide(s): Soniwala, Moinuddin
Keywords: Aceclofenac
Compression coated tablet
Factorial design
Film coated tablet
Inflammatory disorder
Press coated Tablet
Pulsatile tablet
University: RK University
Completed Date: 17/01/2017
Abstract: Materials and Methods: In present research work, pulsatile drug delivery systems will be prepared by different approaches like press coated system, film coating system, pulsincap system etc. Effectiveness of each approach would monitor by performing various in vitro evaluation tests of prepared formulation. Various polymers like Ethyl cellulose, L Hydroxy propyl cellulose, Hydroxy Propyl Methyl Cellulose and Dibasic calcium phosphate was used as polymer in different approaches. Preliminary study was performed in all approaches as per trial and error method and factorial design was used to find optimised formulation. Differential scanning Calorimetry and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrosopy newlineix newline newlinemethod was used to check compatability of drugs with excipients. In vivo X-ray study in rabbit was used to trace pulsatile behavior of different dosage form. newline newlineResults and Discussion: The results of various invitro evaluation found that it was possible to make pulsatile release formulation using all the approaches. By varying amount of polymer and process, we can able to set desirable lag time in any formulation. newlineThe results of compatability study was assure that all the excipients are compatible with drugs. The result of in vivo X-ray study in (GIT) was also assure the retension of dosage form in rabbit before lag time and release of drug after lag time. newline newlineConclusions: This research studies produce formulation that have many advantages like matching the chrono therapeutic needs, minimize the undesired effect, avoiding drug degradation. This likely to improve patient compliance and serves need of society.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Pharmacy

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04_acknowledgement.pdf232.72 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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11_introduction.pdf376 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
12_objectives.pdf47.28 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
13_review of literature.pdf91.12 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
14_materials and methods.pdf1.82 MBAdobe PDFView/Open
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16_conclusion.pdf13.58 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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