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dc.description.abstractThis thesis presents physically based DEB and Bare Snow-Ice models, and newlineglacier mass fluctuation study, carried out on the debris-covered ablation zone newlineof the Chorabari Glacier located in the Mandakini basin of Garhwal Himalaya newlinefor two complete glaciological years, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013. The newlinedeveloped DEB and Bare Snow-Ice models were forced by near-surface newlinemeteorological parameters. The DEB model specifies subsurface heat newlineconduction through supraglacial debris layers at debris-ice interface calculated newlinefrom a heat-conservation equation based on Fourier s law to estimate the newlineglacier surface melt which is almost nonexistence for the Indian Himalayan newlineglaciers. newlineIn addition, to validate the developed DEB and Bare Snow-Ice models, and newlineunderstanding the response of the Chorabari Glacier towards ongoing changes newlinein present climate scenario, study of the surface mass fluctuation was carried newlineout using standard in-situ glaciological method (accumulation-ablation stake newlinenetworking). Studies on the terminus retreat and frontal area vacated by the newlineChorabari Glacier were also carried out from 1962 to 2013. The work has newlineadditionally demonstrated a systemic validation, which has to be conducted newlineusing independent data sets of variable of different nature. Combination of two newlineindependent data sets collected using different techniques enabled the newlinevalidation of the model at spatiotemporal scale. The results suggested that the newlineenergy-mass balance at glacier surface was highly influenced by the variations newlinein supraglacial debris thickness variations followed by the meteorological newlineparameters. This study is also useful for the application of poorly gauged newlineglacierized basins where in-situ measurements are not possible to estimate the newlineglacier mass budget. Combination of low data requirements with high accuracy newlinemakes the DEB and Bare Snow-Ice models more appropriate especially for newlineknowing the glacier-climate interaction that help us to understand the newlinephenomenon of climate change, and its impact on glacier health. newline
dc.titleEnergy Balance and Mass Fluctuation of the Himalayan Glaciers A Case Study of Chorabari Glacier Garhwal Himalaya
dc.creator.researcherKESARWANI K.
dc.subject.keywordAutomatic Weather Station
dc.subject.keywordChorabari Glacier
dc.subject.keywordDebris-covered Himalayan Glaciers
dc.subject.keywordMountain Hydro-meteorology
dc.subject.keywordSurface Energy-Mass Balance Modelling
dc.contributor.guideDURGAPAL A.
dc.publisher.universityKumaun University
dc.publisher.institutionDepartment of Physics
Appears in Departments:Department of Physics

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