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dc.description.abstractMaterials and Methods: In this thesis, for constrained single-objective optimization, in addition to the conventional method, Genetic Algorithms involving three different selection operators, viz. and have been employed for minimizing active part cost of a transformer. newlineFor minimization of transformer losses and cost simultaneously, multi- newlineobjective optimization of transformer using and has been employed. Elitist non-dominated sorting and crowding distance are used to obtain pareto-optimal solutions. technique is then suggested for obtaining best compromised solution among non-dominated solutions. newlineFurther, annual load for three different locations in Bhuj city has been obtained from GETCO and the transformer design having the minimum has been suggested. newlineResults and Discussion: After applying and techniques for solving problem, it has been observed that and are able to find a better value of the objective function as compared to From statistical point of view, is found to be more robust as compared to and After application of for multi-objective optimization, technique enabled Decision Maker to select any solution posteriori, from the available non-dominated solutions. newline.Conclusion: After comparing the performance of and it has been observed that obtained cost saving of 2.73% and 1.95% for 1-star and 2-star rated transformers respectively, as compared to conventional method. newline For multi-objective optimization, has been able to obtain good diversity among pareto-optimal solutions and it can be inferred that it is possible to reduce active part cost and load losses simultaneously, at the expense of slight increase in no-load losses. newline
dc.titleDesign Optimization Performance Analysis And Cost Estimation of A Transformer Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques
dc.creator.researcherMehta Hiren
dc.subject.keywordExhaustive Search Method
dc.subject.keywordMulti-objective optimization
dc.subject.keywordNondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm
dc.subject.keywordRoulette Wheel Selection based
dc.subject.keywordStochastic Remainder Roulette Wheel Selection based Tournament Selection based Particle Swarm Optimization
dc.subject.keywordTeaching Learning Based Optimization
dc.subject.keywordTechnique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution
dc.subject.keywordTransformer Design Optimization
dc.contributor.guidePatel Rajesh
dc.publisher.universityRK University
dc.publisher.institutionFaculty of Technology
dc.format.dimensions28 cm
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Technology

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