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Title: Characterization Of Aluminum-Lead-Fly Ash Composites Prepared By Powder Metallurgy Technique
Researcher: Reddy,Seelam Pitchi
Guide(s): Ramana , B
Reddy, A Chennakesava
Keywords: Aluminum
Upload Date: 6-Jun-2014
University: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad
Completed Date: 2012
Abstract: Aluminum (Al) is a distinguished metal possessing a combination of newlineseveral qualities suitable for a variety of engineering applications. Pure newlinealuminum does not possess sufficient strength. Its seizure resistance newlineand other bearing properties are not of much relevance for the industrial usage. Reinforcing of aluminum with other materials results in aluminum metal matrix composites with high specific strength. The conventional Al-20wt% Sn alloys possess high fatigue strength, good surface properties and corrosion resistance. These are being newlineused as bearings in high speed car engines in U.K. Lead (Pb) is a relatively soft and dense metal and has lower modulus of elasticity newlinethan tin (Sn). Because of its relative softness and lower modulus of elasticity, Pb confers better embeddability and onformability than that of Sn as a bearing alloy. Pb is about six times cheaper than Sn newlineand its availability is also relatively more than that of Sn.
Pagination: 120 p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Mechanical Engineering

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