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Title: Faculty in indian academic environment: an evaluation of job satisfaction and organizational commitment
Researcher: Aggarwal, Neha
Guide(s): Medury, Yajulu
Keywords: Indian Academic Environment
Job Satisfaction
Organizational Commitment
Upload Date: 30-May-2014
University: Jaypee University of Information Technology, Solan
Completed Date: 12/09/2013
Abstract: This study examines the job satisfaction and organizational commitment of faculty in the Indian academic environment. It is argued here that the satisfaction with facets of job satisfaction and affective commitment varies across government and private universities. Data were collected from 376 faculties from engineering and management universities in North India. The predictors of job satisfaction and affective commitment were measured through a five point likert scale. Job satisfaction was measured on the basis of seven predictors i.e. salary, promotion, work life balance, support from supervisor, support from administration, recognition at workplace and work satisfaction. Test, ANOVA (one-way and two-way), Correlation, Regression and Association Rules have been used to test the research hypotheses and relationship among the constructs. Results show that job satisfaction and affective organizational commitment have a positive and significant relationship. Also the satisfaction level with the predictors of job satisfaction varied in private and government universities. Implications of the study and propositions for future research are offered.
Pagination: 107p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

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