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Title: Some studies on the dynamic stability of structures including the effect of Geometric Nonlinearity
Researcher: Ratnam, Bhavanasi Subba
Guide(s): Rao, G V
Janardhana ,G Ranga
Keywords: Dynamic
Upload Date: 27-May-2014
University: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad
Completed Date: 2012
Abstract: Dynamic stability analysis of structural members subjected to periodic load to predict the regions of dynamic stability plays a newlinesignificant role in the design phase of structural members of mechanical, newlineaerospace, automobile, civil and other structural systems. An attempt is newlinemade in this work to contribute towards the improved understanding of the dynamic stability behavior of the structural members subjected to an end concentrated axial periodic load for beams and uniform edge newlineperiodic load for plates and shells using the energy methods. These loads, from now onwards are called as periodic loads.
Pagination: 232 p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

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