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dc.description.abstractThis research is the study of branch managers morale in two public sector banks in India. One newlinelarge and one medium sized public sector bank has been selected to carry out study on branch newlinemanagers morale. Branch managers are middle management employees who manage branch newlineoperations. They play an important role in the growth and development of the bank. They are first newlinepoint of contact with customers. The main motivation behind this research is researcher s own newlineexperience in banking sector. Researcher has deep inclination and curiosity to understand branch newlinemanagers morale. Secondly, researcher witnessed the high and low morale situation in the banks. newlineResearcher used to think how management practices can have influence on branch managers newlinemorale? This is the core motivation to carry out this research. newlineTo carry out the research, researcher started with pilot study to understand the prevalent issues newlineand underlying factors that affect branch managers morale in the public sector banks. To do this, newlineresearcher selected sixteen branch managers from both the banks. After discussing with them, newlineresearcher could analyse the current management practices and its linkage with branch managers newlinemorale. After reviewing literature on management practices and morale, researcher developed newlinequestionnaire keeping in views the relevance and suitability of context. newlineTo collect data, semi-structured in-depth interviews have been used. Interviews with branch newlinemanagers and top management have been conducted and audio recorded. The primary newlinestakeholders in the research are branch managers who run the branches. Top management are newlinesecondary stakeholders who are chairman cum managing directors, executive directors, union newlinedirectors, general managers and retired chairman cum managing directors. Audio recorded newlineinterviews have been transcribed into word format. newlineen_US
dc.titleA comparative study of middle managers morale in two public sector banks in Indiaen_US
dc.creator.researcherGupta, Ajay Kumaren_US
dc.description.noteReferences p. 196-202, Appendices p. 203-260.en_US
dc.contributor.guideToppo, Ezechielen_US
dc.publisher.universityTata Institute of Social Sciencesen_US
dc.publisher.institutionSchool of Management and Labour Studiesen_US
Appears in Departments:School of Management & Labour Studies

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