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Title: Comparative Gene Expression Profiling of Hypoxia Susceptible and Tolerant Rats by Serial Analysis of Gene Expression Sage Rna Seq
Researcher: Priyanka Sharma
Guide(s): P.C. Sharma and Anju Bansal
University: Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
Completed Date: 2015
Abstract: Individuals visiting high altitude areas are exposed to hypobaric hypoxia, which newlinemay cause high altitude illness. Those susceptible to the development of such newlinediseases, may exhibit different pathophysiological and biochemical changes in newlinebody tissues compared to the tolerant ones. In addition to several factors, genetic newlineconstitution of an individual may also play a significant role in imparting newlinetolerance or susceptibility to hypobaric hypoxia. Similar physiological and newlinebiochemical changes occurring in humans due to hypobaric hypoxia have been newlinediscovered in rats, the animal model adopted in the present study. It was newlinehypothesized that the certain early response genes may be differentially expressed newlinein rat lungs, which may initiate protection and repair mechanisms against the newlinehypoxic injury in tolerant rats, whereas progression towards tissue damage and newlinegrowth arrest in case of susceptible lungs. Screening and segregation of Sprague newlineDawley rats into different groups viz. susceptible male, normal male (moderate) newlineand tolerant (both male and female) was performed on the basis of their gasping newlinetime, examined by exposing rats to a simulated altitude of 9754 m (barometric newlinepressure 205.8 mmHg) in a decompression chamber at 32°C. After providing rats newlinea week long rest at sea altitude, these rat groups were exposed to a simulated newlinealtitude of 9144 m at 24oC (barometric pressure 225.6 mmHg) in a decompression newlinechamber for a short duration of one hour to induce acute hypobaric hypoxic newlineconditions. Histological changes were also studied in haematoxylin and eosin newlinestained tissue sections. Biochemical assays were done to evaluate oxidative stress newlinerelated parameters viz. Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and Malondialdehyde newline(MDA) levels, and antioxidant activity of SOD, CAT and GPx, in different lung newlinetissue samples. Susceptible lung tissue section was observed displaying newlineneutrophil infiltration with interstitial alveolar edema at places, as compared to newlinenormal tolerant lungs. newline
Appears in Departments:University School of Biotechnology

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