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Title: Rule Based Expert System for Seismic Data Interpretation
Researcher: Ahuja, Neelu Jyoti
Guide(s): Diwan, Parag and Kulshrestha, S P
Keywords: Expert system
University: University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES)
Completed Date: 2010
Abstract: In an attempt to overcome this uncertainty and also to minimize the dependence on seismic experts, a computer-based expert system has been developed as part of this work. The experience, the mental database and the heuristic knowledge of the seismic experts are translated into a set of rules which have been built into the developed expert system christened as SeisExpertand#8223;. newlineA commercially available Win-Prolog based expert system shell Flexand#8223; from Logic Programming Associates, UK was used to develop SeisExpert. The rules of thumb, heuristics and analytical procedures used for interpretation of seismic snaps were collected from various sources such as available literature and interviews with interpretation experts. These were converted into rules in if then format and over 120 rules were added to form the knowledge base in Flexand#8223;. The newlinesystem acquires the information needed to fire rules, through question-answer modules. The questions have been designed and made part of the user-interface of the expert system. Each question has been associated with the explanation-text that provides information regarding why the question is being asked?and#8223; and also provides the clues regarding how the question is to be answered?and#8223; newlineThe rules have been broadly divided into two categories, namely the manual interpretation rules, and the analytical interpretation rules. The manual interpretation rules are primarily concerned with the information that can be obtained through visual inspection of the seismic maps, much in the same way as the routine interpretation procedure followed by the human experts. The analytical interpretation rules are based on the analytical results obtained by the analysis of seismic data. This part of knowledge-base is applied subject to the availability of seismic data along with the seismic snaps. newlineThe rules have been categorized into rulesets and chained in a forward-chained manner, so as to appropriately fire.
Pagination: 187p.
Appears in Departments:Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology

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