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Title: Cultural reflection in the Urdu Novels of the later half of the Nineteenth Century (In the light of the Novels of Nazir Ahmed, Sarshar, Sharar and Ruswa)کلچرل ریفلیکشن ان دے اردو نوولس اوف دے لیٹر ہاف اوف دے ناینتینٹھ سنچری : ان دے لائٹ اوف دے نوولس اوف نظیر احمد، سرشار، اینڈ رسوا
Researcher: Mohd, Kashif(کاشف، محمّد.)
Guide(s): Ekramuddin, K M
Keywords: Urdu
Nazir Ahmed
Cultural reflection
Urdu Novels
Upload Date: 3-Apr-2014
University: Jawaharlal Nehru University
Completed Date: 2007
Abstract: None
Pagination: iv, 288p.
Appears in Departments:School of Language Literature and Culture Studies

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