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Title: Studies on the properties of nickel nano SiC and nickel micro SiC electro composites with modeling and optimization
Researcher: Narasimman P
Guide(s): Periasamy V M
Keywords: Conventional Electrolytic Co-Deposition
Electro composites
Mechanical Engineering
Nickel Micro SiC
Nickel Nano SiC
Sediment Electro Co-Deposition
Upload Date: 11-Mar-2014
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/11/2013
Abstract: Nano composite coatings play a major role in enhancing the life of newlinevarious engineering components subjected to sliding contact, by improving newlinetheir surface properties. Hence, research in the production of nano composite newlinecoatings by electrolytic co-deposition, has received the interest of scientists newlineand researchers. Due to the low cost and high wear resistance (next to Diamond) of newlineSiC particles, Ni-SiC composites have been successfully used in the newlineproduction of sliding parts, such as gears, cams, textile roller mills etc. In newlineorder to achieve the combined benefits of low cost, high wear resistance and newlinenano sized SiC particles together, in a metal-ceramic composite coating, this newlineresearch is aimed at the electrolytic co-deposition of nickel nano-SiC on the newlinesurface of the components subjected to sliding contact, with the sole objective newlineof enhancing their life. The aim of this research is to study and investigate the significant newlinefeatures and enhanced properties of nickel nano-SiC composite coating, in newlinecomparison with nickel micro-SiC composite coating, by conducting newlineexperimental research and establishing the same with the aid of suitable newlinecomparison tables, models, graphs and statistics. newlineSince, nano particles are more susceptible to agglomeration in the newlinebath as well as in the electrodeposit, TMAH was used as the surfactant to newlinereduce the agglomeration. After experimenting with few non ionic, anionic newlineand cationic surfactants such as CTAB, TMAI, TMAH etc., TMAH surfactant newlinewas selected. For the Conventional Electrolytic Co-Deposition (CECD) newlinetechnique, both electrodes are to be positioned vertically, whereas for the newlineSediment Electro Co-Deposition (SECD) technique, electrodes are to be newlinepositioned horizontally. The depositions were made by the SECD technique. newlineSECD technique was used to reduce agglomeration of nano-SiC newlineparticles and to produce deposit, with uniform dispersion of SiC particles. To newlineobtain the same volume% of SiC in the deposit,
Pagination: xxviii, 185p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

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