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Title: Conflict Based Murder
Researcher: Tong, Penelope
Guide(s): Vijay raghavan
Keywords: Conflict - Culminated in Murder, Criminal Justice System
University: Tata Institute of Social Sciences
Completed Date: 2017
Abstract: It could be said that dispute and conflict have been the force behind many of the paths that developmental trajectories have taken. However conversely, dispute and conflict have led to much needless bloodshed, newlinewars, destruction and death. Hence, while difference, disagreement, divergence, disharmony, dispute,conflict, and the numerous degrees and forms of dissent exist and will continue to exist, the line between newlinetheir capacity for beneficence or malfeasance appears to lie within the means and mechanisms adopted for resolution or redress. newline newlineStatement of the problem newlineIt is a well known and established fact that homicide has been strongly associated with conflict and newlinedispute (Wolfgang, 1967; Wallace, 1986; Bachman, 1991; Mouzos and Rushfort, 2003; NCRB, 2011; newlineNCRB, 2012; NCRB, 2013; Price, 2015). newline newlineConflicts can be located along a continuum with high tractability or high intractability at each end of the newlinecontinuum (Kriesberg et al, 1989). Much of the work on the subject of intractable conflict has been newlinemotivated by larger conflicts that are intra and inter nation in nature, have existed over prolonged periods newlineof time even going into generations, and have resulted in mass destruction and genocide. Furthermore, newlinewhile interpersonal conflicts have been discussed in the literature (Kriesberg et al, 1989; Burton, 1996; newlineBurton, 1998; Coleman, 2003; Spangler and Burgess, 2012), the advancement in research and systems newlinefor its application are often not available for more micro level conflicts. Moreover, while the conflictsthat newlineare consequent in homicide and murder, may not necessarily fall into the category of intractable conflict, newlinethe fact that the dispute or conflict has provoked aggression and violence sufficient to cause the loss of newlinelife, provides the matter with a gravity that warrants attention. newline newline
Appears in Departments:School of Social Work

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