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Title: Comparative investigations on the impact of utilizing wet scrubber and cassette filter in iron foundries towards controlling pollution
Researcher: Krishnaraj R
Guide(s): Sakthivel M
Keywords: Cassette filter
Mechanical Engineering
Pollution Controlling Devices
Wet scrubber
Upload Date: 7-Mar-2014
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/10/2013
Abstract: The modern living style of human community has improved newlinesignificantly through the development of a wide range of industries along newlinewith the invention and production of many useful products. This vigorous newlineindustrial development has led to many undesirable outcomes too. newlineParticularly, some industrial sectors have started to impose serious burdens on newlinethe natural environment. One among these industrial sectors is foundry. newlineFoundries produce casting of the components made of different metals. While newlineprocessing, foundries melt metals and pour the molten metal s into cavities of newlinedesired shape. During this process, large amount of pollutants are emitted into newlinethe environment causing imbalance of the ecosystem. This imbalance has newlineresulted in the increased contamination of air, water, and soil with pollutants newlinesuch as non-degradable toxic metals and flue gases. This kind of situation is newlinewidely observed in highly industrialized countries. In this background, research activities are actively pursued to offer solutions for enabling the newlinefoundries situated in industrialized countries to function effectively but newlinewithout causing any damage to the environment. newlineFoundry industry is known for the emission of powder particles newline(these powder particles are often called as dust), emission of gaseous newlinepollutants, inadequate treatment and disposal of the solid waste, emission of newlinepolluted waters without any treatment and low level of energetic efficiency newlinetime and again policies have been formulated by the governments in most of newlinethe developed and developing countries around the world for aiming to reduce emissions from the industrial activities. These policies have been driving newlinethese countries to formulate laws for preventing emissions from industries. In newlinethe case of foundry industry, in spite of the emergence of these laws, emission newlineof pollutants has not been under stipulated levels. Meanwhile, during the newlinerecent years, foundries have been adding new technologies to prevent the newlineemission of pollutants. newline
Pagination: xix, 175p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

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