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Title: Planning for energy efficient Sustainable development of chennai Metropolitan city india
Researcher: Adinarayanane at sadish kumarr
Guide(s): Monsingh d devadas
Keywords: Architecture and planning
Sustainable development
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/03/2017
Abstract: Urbanization is certainly one of the most prominent features of newlinemodern world Rapid urbanization is one of the most important problems in newlinethe developing countries since it occupies more quantity of urban fringe newlineareasTherefore it occupies substantial area in the rural system which hinders newlinethe agricultural growth and also paving the way for schisms among the newlinepopulation in the rural system No doubt that the cities are the engines of newlineeconomic growth but not all the cities are engines of economic growthThe newlinefeatures of the cities economic functions of the cities availability of newlineinfrastructure facilities in the cities and even physical terrain of the cities newlinewhich are responsible for economic growth and differ from one to another newlineThe cities which are more conducive for economic growth with required newlineinfrastructure facilities are really the engines of economic growth otherwise newlineinstead of functioning as a catalyst for the development it aggravates the newlineexisting problems in a multitude manner newline newline
Pagination: xxxvii, 428p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Architecture and Planning

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