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Title: Forest administration in tirunelveli district 1950 to1995
Researcher: Ravi Sankar,L
Guide(s): Desayar,M
Keywords: floristic composition
Forest administration
lush evergreen forests
thorny scrub jungle
tirunelveli district
Upload Date: 6-Feb-2014
University: Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
Completed Date: November 2008
Abstract: The forests of Tirunelveli district are famous for their wide variation in their floristic composition. The vegetation varies from the thorny scrub jungle to the lush evergreen forests. Elevation, rainfall and the nature of the soil are the principal factors which control the types of forest growth in the district. The general soil conditions do not exhibit marked differences except in the narrow valleys and along the streams where the alluvium supports a better type of vegetation than the surrounds. Elevation ranges from ninety feet to 5000 feet and areas of the same elevation on the higher reaches do not always support identically the same luxuriant growth. But one constant feature is that wherever the rainfall is at its best, the vegetation is at the best and wherever it is low the vegetation is also poor. Constant set backs due to fire, theft and over grazing maintain the vulnerable regions in a sub- normal condition. newlineThe forests in the Tirunelveli division are broadly classified into: The Southern Tropical Wet Evergreen Forests, Southern Tropical Moist Deciduous Forests, South Indian Dry Mixed Deciduous Forests, Carnatic Umbrella Thorn Forests, Southern Euphorbia Scrub and Ochlandra Reed Brakes. newline newline
Pagination: viii,261p.
Appears in Departments:Department of History

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