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Title: Quality of service in routing
Researcher: Kurundkar Sangeeta Vishwas
Guide(s): Joshi Sangita M
University: Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University
Completed Date: 09/07/2016
Abstract: Wireless communication has become an integral part of our day to day life and with the newlineadvent of the technology of Internet of Thing (IOT), the infrastructure-less wireless newlinecommunication became significant in many applications. In such cases, the networks newlineformations are usually ad-hoc in nature. newlineIn a typical ad hoc network, routing protocol plays an important role. Quality of Service newline(QoS) can be defined as the ability of routing protocol to assign priorities to applications, newlineusers, data flow or to assign certain level of performance to a network. In view of the newlinesignificance of QoS in improving the routing protocol and literature survey, it is decided to newlinetake up issues and concerns related to Quality of Service in Routing as a research work. newlineThe primary aim of this research work is to develop a routing protocol for Mobile Ad hoc newlineNetworks with due considerations to QoS parameters like energy, end to end delay, packet newlinedelivery ratio, jitter, retransmissions, link break and throughput. Unique feature of this work newlineis to study the multiple performance metrics viz. Energy, Delay and PDR simultaneously newlinealong with cross-layer approach as against the existing research, wherein, only one newlineperformance parameter is studied at a time i.e. without studying the effect of interdependence newlineof performance parameters. newlineAs a first step, towards the development of this protocol, rigorous study of basic AODV newlineprotocol for optimization of scenario metric parameters like density, node mobility, Speed, newlinepacket size, radio propagation characteristics, and topology is carried out. As a pre-requisite, newlinePath loss exponent (n) is calculated by the empirical method. newlineIn the second step, improved AODV (I-AODV) protocol is developed to overcome the newlinelimitations of basic AODV protocol. Significant improvement in Energy efficiency and newlinereduction in delay is achieved in I-AODV protocol. Further, Transmission Control Protocol newline(TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) are implemented using I-AODV protocol. UDP newlineprotocol gives the better performance for t
Pagination: n.a.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Engineering

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