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Title: Modelling and analysis of blood flow in an artery having mild stenosis with and without bypass: effects of blood and wall characteristics
Researcher: Jain, Lovely
Guide(s): Singh, S P
Shukla, J B
Keywords: Mathematics
Upload Date: 2-Jan-2014
University: Dayalbag Educational Institute
Completed Date: 29-06-2012
Abstract: Severe stenosis may cause critical flow conditions related to artery collapse, plaque cap rupture which leads directly to stroke and heart attack. Stroke and ischemic heart disease, which result from high grade stenosis, are the single most common causes of death in the United States. High grade stenosis increases flow resistance in arteries which forces the body to raise the blood pressure to maintain the necessary blood supply. Both the high pressure and the narrowing of blood vessel cause high flow velocity, high shear stress and low shear stress. These may be related to thrombus formation, atherosclerosis growth and plaque cap rupture which leads directly to stroke and heart attack. The exact mechanism of this complicated process is still not well understood. A better study in this physiological process is of great importance to early diagnosis, prevention and treatment stenosis related diseases. Current investigations are now focusing on complex branching structures and on the smaller scaled problems of artery and capillary flow. In particular, mathematical models are developed to describe blood flow in the heart and the cardiovascular system, as well as the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide through the respiratory system. These models are largely used to simulate blood flow in arteries and to predict dynamical patterns in physiological and pathological conditions. Our specific interest is in modeling the flow of blood, which is a mixture of interacting gel-filled blood cells and fluid plasma. The oxygenated blood is transported from lungs to different parts of body. The transportation is carried out by hemoglobin present inside the erythrocytes or red cells. Many nutrient materials such as glucose, vitamin etc. dissolved in plasma are carried by the blood to the plasma cells for maintaining the constant functioning of blood cells.
Pagination: 146p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Mathematics

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