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Title: History of road transport in Kanyakumari district
Researcher: Sindhu,P
Guide(s): Desayar,M
Keywords: road transport. Kanyakumari district, mini buses, urban areas
Upload Date: 24-Dec-2013
University: Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
Completed Date: December 2010
Abstract: In Tamil Nadu the main mode of transport service for the rural people is newlineState-owned buses supplemented with private buses. In addition, considering newlinethe importance of road transport in rural Tamil Nadu the State Government newlineintroduced the Minibus Scheme in 1997102. The Minibus Scheme was newlineintroduced with the intention of providing the rural population with the newlinerequired transport facilities to go to urban areas for their business, marketing newlineactivities and every other activity that might call for such transport. With the newlineintroduction of issuing fresh licenses to private individuals and corporation to newlineoperate mini buses in large numbers, a new system of private bus transport newlinecame into existence in the district. Though the new system aimed at connecting newlineremote villages of the district with the nearest urban areas, this idea remains newlineonly on paper, for many of the mini buses are plying in urban areas also. The newlineintroduction of mini buses was plyed in the areas under certain conditions. newline
Pagination: vi,222p.
Appears in Departments:Department of History

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