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Title: Radio resource management & allocation in 802.16/WiMAX systems
Researcher: Murali Prasad R
Guide(s): Satish Kumar P
Keywords: Wimax systems
Radio resource management
Upload Date: 11-Dec-2013
University: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapuram
Completed Date: 16/04/2012
Abstract: WiMAX technology has a rich set of features which makes it the most promising broadband wireless access technology. It promises to deliver high data rates over large distances and deliver multimedia services at low cost. It also plays a significant role in high speed broadband delivery. In spite of having such attractive feature it has to face challenges in routing, scheduling, bandwidth allocation, connection admission control (CAC). Guaranteeing QoS becomes utmost significant in the 802.16 WiMAX networks for improving the network capacity and optimizing the network utilization and performance. The thesis mainly focuses on the QoS constraints of the WiMAX network and its effective utilization to optimize the network performance. The significant mechanisms like scheduling, routing, bandwidth allocation and CAC which are crucial in obtaining a WiMAX network with improved network connectivity, network coverage, end-to-end newlineQoS and network utilization are discussed. newlineAn ideal adaptive power efficient packet scheduling algorithm is proposed to provide a minimum fair allocation of the channel bandwidth for each packet flow which also minimizes the power consumption. The adaptive scheduling algorithm transmits the packets as per allotted slots from different priority of traffic classes adaptively. A joint routing and bandwidth allocation protocol is proposed for finding the best route and to provide the end-to-end QoS to different users. The bandwidth estimation technique is combined with route discovery and setup for finding the best route. The local bandwidth and the bandwidth of all nodes within the interference range are considered for estimating the bandwidth. ii An efficient connection admission control mechanism for IEEE 802.16 networks is proposed to solve the issues related to satisfying the Quality of Service (QoS) of new connection and to check whether the QoS of ongoing connections is influenced by the accepting the new connection.
Pagination: 134p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Electronics and Communication

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