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Title: Scientometric analysis of literature On mems a study based on scopus Database
Researcher: Bathri narayanan A L
Guide(s): Tamizhchelvan M
Keywords: Science and humanities
Scientometric analysis
scopus Database
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/09/2015
Abstract: It is widely accepted that publication of research performed in newlineacademic and governmental research institutions is a driving force behind newlinehigh technology and economic growth Such research output is used as the newlineyardstick for measuring the quality and quantity of research done in a country newlineor in a discipline The 21st Century is witnessing the developed technology newlineusing and identifying the potential to revolutionize both industrial and also newlineconsumer products The effectiveness of scientific research performance newlinecould be realised only through a proper communication system. In this study newlinethe growth of MEMS literature has been measured using scientometric newlinetechniques newlineScientometric has become a standard tool of science policy and newlineresearch management in the last decades All significant compilations of newlinescience indicators heavily rely on publication citation statistics and other newlinemore sophisticated techniques newline newline
Pagination: xxiii, 242p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Science and Humanities

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