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Title: Investigation of optimal power flow With tracing based transmission cost Solution using evolutionary Computation techniques
Researcher: Bastin solai nazaran J
Guide(s): Selvi K
Keywords: Electrical engineering
optimal power
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/06/2015
Abstract: In deregulated power system, various factors affect the security of newlinethe system Insufficient transmission paths aging of transmission lines market newlinedriven transactions and renewable energy resources are the few factors newlineinfluencing the power system security Conventional optimal power problem newlineobjective is used to find optimal cost and to meet out the constraints This newlineproblem is to be modified to ensure security under deregulated environment. newlineConventionally security is considered as constraint in optimal newlinepower flow problems There is another possibility to consider it as cost named newlineas security cost To incorporate security cost contingency analysis to be done newlineto find the severe contingencies Apart from base case post contingency case newlineis also considered in security cost This problem formulation is used newlinethroughout in this thesis newline newline
Pagination: xxii, 173p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Electrical Engineering

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