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Title: A study of relations amongst inservice teachers attitude competencies and self efficacy Beliefs
Researcher: Kachave Dhananjay Shrimantrao
Guide(s): Baviskar C. R.
University: Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University
Completed Date: 14/04/2016
Abstract: The purpose of the study was to explore relationship between the factors of newlineTeachers Attitude, Teachers Competencies, and Teachers Self-efficacy Beliefs of newlineInservice Secondary school teachers . Survey method was used and data has been newlinecollected from 367 (female 146, male 221) inservice secondary school teachers with newlinestandardizing seven point Likert Scale i.e. Teachers Attitude Scale (TAS), Teachers newlineCompetencies Scale (TCS), and Teachers Self-efficacy Beliefs Scale (TSEBS). newlineThe responses collected through standardized scales of inservice teachers newlinewere scored as per the scoring scheme and then data has been entered in to Excel newlinesheets. After data collection researcher tabulated the data in MS-Excel sheet with newlineclassifying. The statistical tools given in Excel were applied for analysis of data, its newlinetabulation and graphical presentation. After tabulation the data were analysed in table newlineand interpreted in format. After interpret the data the formulated hypotheses were newlinetested. The data has been analyzed by applying one way ANOVA, one way newlineMANOVA and Pearson r and t test. newlineMajor findings of the study are 1) ¾ teachers have high attitude and only ¼ newlinehave Average and Low attitude towards the factors of Teachers Attitude and teachers newlineare highly aware about Creativity and encouraging Creativity amongst students but newlinethey are not highly sensitive about Diversity and accepting Diversity of learning of newlinestudents 2) 80% teachers have high competencies and nearly 20% have Average and newlineLow competencies as per the factors of Teachers Competencies and teachers are newlinemaking subject matter comprehensible to students and transforming pedagogical newlineskills amongst students but they are not highly able to assess students learning 3) ¾ newlineteachers have high self-efficacy beliefs and nearly ¼ have Average and Low selfefficacy newlinebeliefs as per the factors of Teachers self-efficacy beliefs and teachers selfefficacy newlinebeliefs are high related to Instructions related to course content, Teachinglearning newlineprocess, performance but self-eff
Pagination: n.a.
Appears in Departments:School of Educational Sciences

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