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Title: Slicing of SOA based software and its application to testing
Researcher: Rana, Kaushik, K
Guide(s): Durga Prasad Mohapatra
Keywords: Sevice-Oriented Arhictecture
Wen Service
Software Testing
University: Gujarat Technological University
Completed Date: 01/07/2017
Abstract: quotThis thesis presents our work concerning slicing of SOA-based software and newlineits application to testing. A technique for static slicing of SOA-based software newlinebased on SoaML service interface diagram is devised. In this technique, a model newlineusing SoaML service interface diagram is designed. Then, an intermediate representation, newlinecalled service interface dependency graph (SIDG) is created from newlinethe model. The SIDG identifies service call dependency and composite dependency newlinefrom SoaML model. Giving slicing criterion as an input, our proposed newlinealgorithm SSSIM traverses the SIDG and identifies the affected service interface newlinenodes. newlineNext, our intermediate representation SIDG is extended to be able to compute newlinedynamic slices based on SoaML sequence diagram. In our technique, first each newlinemessage in sequence diagram is mapped with corresponding web service input newlineand output messages. This mapping is static. After that, an intermediate representation newlineof SoaML sequence diagram is constructed which we have named newlineservice-oriented software dependence graph (SOSDG). SOSDG is an intermediate newlinerepresentation that needs to be stored and traversed to get a dynamic slice as newlineand when web service gets executed. The SOSDG identifies data, control, intraservice newlineand inter-service dependencies from SoaML sequence diagram and the newlinecorresponding web service execution. For a given slicing criterion, our proposed newlinealgorithm MBGDS computes global dynamic slice from SOSDG and identifies newlinethe affected messages from respective service. The novelty of our work lies in newlinethe computation of global dynamic slice based on SOSDG and its dependencies newlineinduced within and across organizations. newlineTo support testing of SOA-based software at development phase, an extension to newlineWSDL is proposed for carrying out black-box testing. In this context, program newlineslicing artifact, i.e. dependence graph is applied for testing SOA-based software. newlineIn this approach, a hierarchical structure is imposed on web service description newlinelanguage (WSDL) document. The extension to WSDL is carried out b
Appears in Departments:Computer/IT Engineering

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01_title.pdfAttached File103.03 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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03_abstract.pdf66.34 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
04_declaration.pdf45.02 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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07_list_of_tables.pdf63.97 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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09_abbreviations.pdf49.42 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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