Department of Education : [45] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Upload Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 45
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
14-Oct-2022Development of an instructional package based on stephen covey s seven habits and its effect on emotional intelligence self leadership problem solving and academic achievement of students at secondary school leveShetty Sandhya BhojrajFlosy D souza, C R
29-Aug-2022Praudashala entane taragatiya vidyarthigala kannada basha kaushala mattu kannada bhasha manobhavavannu belesuvalli ganakatantradharita bahumadhyama bhodana samagriya parinamavannu kurita adhyayanaNayak Deepti RamachandraLeonilla Menezes
22-Aug-2022Effectiveness of reflective teaching training on knowledge of reflective teaching teaching skills and professional learning among elementary teacher trainees with different levels of teaching aptitudeSavita NaikVijayakumari, S N
22-Aug-2022Study on social intelligence leadership styles and self concept of school teachersChandiniLeonilla Menezes, A C
21-Jun-2022Effect of kolbs experiential learning strategy on teacher competencies reflective practices and pedagogical skills of preservice teachersLaveena Reshma DSaVijayakumari S.N
16-Jun-2022Effect of Kolbs experiential learning strategy on teacher competencies reflective practices and pedagogical skills of preservice teachersDsa, Laveena ReshmaVijayakumari, S.N
15-Jun-2022Effect of different instructional strategies of eco centric approach on sustainable development competencies eco centric attitude achievement in science of secondary school students with different levels of scientific thinkingUmashree, D KVijayakumari, S N
14-Jun-2022Effect of geographical information system GIS on geospatial thinking ability and achievement in geography of secondary school studentsAind, SarojD'Souza, Flosy C. R.
14-Jun-2022Mathematical knowledge for teaching MKT attitude towards mathematics knowledge and practice of reflective teaching and teacher effectiveness among primary school mathematics teachers In fijiTaraivini Nailigamasei RaiulaVijayakumari S N
28-Sep-2021Prauda Shalegalalli Anustana gondiruva ICT karyakramagala Hantha1 mattu Hantha 2 maulyamapanathmaka AdhyayanaSyprian MonteiroShashikala A.
15-Sep-2021Effect of Collaborative Techno Enhanced Anchored Instruction on Academic Achievement in Physics Problem Solving Skills Scientific Attitude and Social Skills among Secondary School PupilsD'Souza, FlaviaVijayakumari.S.N
15-Sep-2021Effect of Social Constructivist Approach on Critical Problem Solving Skills and Achievement in Political Science among Higher Secondary StudentsDorothy D SouzaLeonillaMenezes A. C
14-Sep-2021Effectiveness of Different Approaches of Teaching Life Skills on Enhancing Life Skills Spiritual Intelligence and Academic Achievement among Secondary School Students with Different Levels of Self EsteemDhanalakshmiVijayakumari.S.N
19-Mar-2021The Status of Higher Education in Karnataka during Post Independence Period 1947 to 2010Sumathi PShashikala A.
18-Jan-2021Self Efficacy in Relation to Sports Climate and Home Climate of Pre service Physical Education Teachers of Karnataka StateSuresth Kumar TFlosy C.R. D Souza
18-Jan-2021Effect of Autonomous Learner Model on Problem Solving Ability Self Esteem and Achievement in ScienceRose Kiran PintoLeonilla Menezes A.C.
8-Dec-2020Effect of computer based concept mapping on attainment of concepts reasoning ability and achievement in biological science of secondary school studentsFernandes, Rosy SalvadorD’souza, Flosy C R
3-Dec-2020Effectiveness of ICT Mediated Cognitive Apprenticeship Model on Critical Thinking Skills Problem Solving and Achievement in Mathematics of Upper Primary School Students in FijiAli, Sofia Shireen N. K.D’Souza, Flosy C.R.
20-Nov-2020Occupational Stress of Teachers in Relation to Quality of Work Life and Academic Involvement in Higher EducationD Souza, Linus BenedictaD' Souza, Flosy Clara Roshan
4-Nov-2020Development of an Instructional Package Based on Guilfords Divergent Production and Its Effect on Divergent Production Abilities Problem Solving Skills and Achievement in Science of Students at Secondary School LevelVinod kumar MD'souza, Flosy Clara Roshan
Collection's Items (Sorted by Upload Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 45