Department of Philosophy : [270] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Upload Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 270
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
29-Jan-2024Effectiveness of supportive interventions for anxiety and depression among mothers of individuals with neurodevelopmental disabilitiesG.AnandhiLawrence SoosaiNathan
17-Aug-2023Biology of a freshwater catfish mystus keletius valenG.SANTHANAKUMARG. VENKATASWAMY
17-Aug-2023Teacher competency teacher personality and teacher attitude on student achievement in science in higher secondary schoolsP. THAMILMANIS. THANGASAMY
17-Aug-2023Remedial intervention in the english language usage for students of standard xi an experimENTSHASHI SWARAN SINGHN. NATESAN
11-Aug-2023Marketing strategies fob national savings scheme in Tamil naduR. BASKARANR. JAYARAMAN
11-Aug-2023The temple and society in the Tamil countryA.SOUNDARAMB.S. CHANDRABABU
11-Aug-2023Life of the native christians in the interior TamilnaduR. ANTONY PAUL GNANA SEKARJ. THIYAGARAJAN
11-Aug-2023The growth and decline oe ihe zamindari system in Tamil nadu 1800 1948M Renganathan NadarC.PARAMARTHALINGAM
11-Aug-2023Archaeology of Madurai region a studyP. GANESANT.RAMASWAMY
11-Aug-2023Television programmes in the perception of women a sociological studyAgnes StephenR. Kannan
11-Aug-2023The idiosyncrasy of the female psyche a mode of expression peculiar to shashi deshpande in her short fictionS. CinthanaG. Baskaran
11-Aug-2023Hydrobiology of a man made lake Periyar dam on the western Ghats in south IndiaS.KANNANA.K.Kuraraguru
11-Aug-2023Development of a transformation system for Vigna mungo and analysis of the DNA B clone KA27 of Mungbean yellow mosaic virus ViV. BALAJIK. Veluthambi
11-Aug-2023Biology and behaviour of chosen assassin bugsS. PRASANNA KUMARP. Ambrose
11-Aug-2023Toxicity assessment and microbial degradation of azodyes of textile industryN. PUVANESWARIP. Gunasekaran
11-Aug-2023Role of pest infestation in the alteration of biochemical properties of adhatoda vasicaE.ELEMIMAL VICTORIAAruna Devaraj
11-Aug-2023Functional Characterization of Novel genes encoding for Wall Associated Kinase WAK Stress Associated Protein SAP and Pectin Methyl Esterase PME from Oryza sativa Vi IndicaK.VYDEHIA. K. Gupta
11-Aug-2023Studies on Myocilin TIGR MYOC gene mutations and Myocilin protein in Indian patients with Primary Open Angle GlaucomaJ. KANAGAVALLIP. Sundaresan
11-Aug-2023Identification Characterization Enrichment andjn Vitro Maintenance of Human Corneal Epithelial Stem CellsARPITHA PARTHASARATHYVR,Muthukkaruppan
11-Aug-2023Endocrine and genetic studies on sex regulation in tilapiasK. VARADARAJANT.J. Pandian
Collection's Items (Sorted by Upload Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 270