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dc.description.abstractnewlineABSTRACT newlineRapid industrialization is the major cause of inclusion of heavy metals into the newlineenvironment especially in the water bodies all over the world. The heavy metal newlinecontamination of aqueous streams is becoming a serious threat to aquatic ecosystem newlinebecause of their high toxicity even at very low concentrations. Heavy metal newlinecontamination exist in aqueous wastes of many industries, such as metal plating, mining newlineoperation, tanneries, chloralkali, radiator manufacturing, smelting, alloy industries and newlinestorage batteries industries, etc .Chromium is considered as one of the top sixteen toxic newlinepollutant because of its carcinogenic characteristics for humans. Cr (VI) has been newlineknown for its acute toxicity in aqueous medium and its removal from water has been newlineconsidered as very important. Chromium is an essential nutrient for the maintenance of newlinenormal glucose, fat and metabolism and cholesterol level in human body including newlineweight loss, impaired glucose tolerance, increase serum cholesterol, faster hyper newlineglycemia and increased triglycerides. An adequate health is daily dose of 50-500 newlinemicrograms of Chromium per day. It is estimated the safe quantity for human body. newlineIn recent years, the need for safe and economical methods for the elimination of heavy newlinemetals from contaminated waters has necessitated research interest towards the newlineproduction of low cost alternatives. Nowadays the low cost agricultural wastes byproducts newlineare used for the elimination of heavy metals from wastewater have been newlineinvestigated by various researchers. Cost is an important parameter for comparing the newlinesorbent materials. newlineIn the present work, four plant-based biosorbents were prepared from matured seeds and newlinebarks of three common and widely available trees, namely, the Kala Jamun newline(Syzygiumcumini L.), Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna ) and the Amla (Phyllanthusemblica.) newlinetrees. The four biosorbents were thoroughly tested for their physical and chemical newlinecharacteristics, and were utilized to remove the Cr(VI), and also the Cr(VI)anions from newlinespiked water. This th
dc.format.extent23 cm
dc.titleBiosorption of chromium vi by plant materials characterization sorption desorption and kinetic studies
dc.creator.researcherDeka Sumi
dc.subject.keywordPlant materials
dc.contributor.guideBhattacharyya Krishna G
dc.publisher.universityGauhati University
dc.publisher.institutionDepartment of Chemistry
dc.format.dimensionsi-xxiv, 261 p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Chemistry

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