Browsing by Researcher/Guide Vora,Giraben C
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
13-Aug-2015 | A comparative study of administrative management in primary education of Gujarat and Kerala state | Dave,Hitesh N | Vora,Giraben C |
13-Aug-2015 | Construction and standardization of crtitical thinking test for P T C B ED trainees | Trivedi,Kinnari K | Vora,Giraben C |
14-Aug-2015 | A study of effectiveness of the material on comparing a micro thinking component of critical thinking prepared for P T C trainees | Trivedi,Sanjay B | Vora,Giraben C |
14-Aug-2015 | To study the effectiveness of the material on comparing a micro thinking component of critical thinking prepared for P T C trainees | Trivedi,Sanjay B | Vora,Giraben C |