Browsing by Researcher/Guide Vinayakam, N

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
1-Jul-2014An analytical study of the problems of small scale industrial units in the industrial estates of TamilnaduGurusamy, SVinayakam, N
1-Jul-2014A comparative study of human resources development in select public and private sector banks in TamilnaduCharumathi, BVinayakam, N
1-Jul-2014A comparative study of the performance of state transport undertakings in TamilnaduShanmugam, VVinayakam, N
1-Jul-2014Performance evaluation of select joint sector enterprises in TamilnaduRajeswari, RVinayakam, N
1-Jul-2014Prospects and problems of select small scale export industries in TamilnaduMohanam, MVinayakam, N
18-Jul-2014A study of development of sericulture industry and the problems of silk weavers with special reference to TamilnaduSomasundaram, MVinayakam, N
24-Jul-2014A study of labour welfcare measures in Seshasayee paper and boards limited PallipalayamShanthamani, RVinayakam, N
18-Jul-2014A study of Lorry body building industry with special reference to TamilnaduRanganathan, MVinayakam, N
24-Jul-2014A study of the materials management in Seshasayee paper and boards limited PallipalayamSuseela Devi, AVinayakam, N
1-Jul-2014A study of the self employment to educated unemployed youth seeuy scheme implemented by the commercial banks with special reference to TamilnaduChandrasekaran,VVinayakam, N
24-Jul-2014A study of the training of rural youth for self employment scheme TRYSEM in Salem districtAnandhi, RVinayakam, N
24-Jul-2014A study of the working of the housing co operatives in Dharmapuri districtVaalarmathi, P VVinayakam, N