Browsing by Researcher/Guide Vinayak, Seema

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
19-Apr-2016Children with learning disabilities and their siblings within family context cognitive and social implicationsKaur, ParampreetVinayak, Seema
15-Apr-2016Effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy in the treatment of child victims of domestic violence in IranGhaderi, Nasrin JaberVinayak, Seema
11-Apr-2016Gay and bisexual males personal challenges and mental health problemsPrem Sangwan, DipikaVinayak, Seema
6-Jul-2018Intimate partner emotional abuse emotional intelligence empathy and marital satisfaction as predictors of post traumatic stress disorder among malesSafariolyaei, NajmehVinayak, Seema
29-Aug-2024Microstructural and electrical characterization of Ni Cr thin films for resistors in GaAs MMICSVinayak, SeemaVankar, V.D. and Vyas, H.P.
26-Sep-2019Relationship between peer pressure and materialism role of self esteem social anxiety locus of control and vanityArora, Anupreet KaurVinayak, Seema
5-Apr-2018Role of driving anger vengeance boredom proneness and ensationseeking in propensity towards unsafe drivingSingh, Guneet AssiVinayak, Seema
28-Dec-2020Role of forgiveness morality psychological well being and aggression in the relationship of empathy and altruism among police personnelJudge, JotikaVinayak, Seema
11-Apr-2016Role of locus of control role conflict and quality of life in the relationship of stressful life events with anxiety and general well being in employed women and housewives of middle and lower socio economic statusVinayak, SeemaVerma, P
14-Mar-2023Role of moderators in the relationship of gratitude and customer satisfactionNisha KumariVinayak, Seema
15-Jul-2019Role of sexual desire sex guilt and materialism in relationship of happiness and marital satisfactionNoktehdan, BitaVinayak, Seema
19-Apr-2016Role of spiritual wellbeing social support and mindfulness in the relationship of stress and anxiety in cancerRani, NishaVinayak, Seema
7-Apr-2016Study of psychological factors in resilience of Kashmiri migrantsSahdev, ShivaniVinayak, Seema
16-Nov-2018The effect of music therapy on anxiety pain fatigue sleep quality and affect in oncology inpatientsDehkhoda, FarnazVinayak, Seema