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21-Apr-2016Experiments directed towards the syntheses of terpenoidsBhatia, Manmohan SinghVig, O P
21-Apr-2016Experiments in the syntheses of terpenoidsChander, JagdishVig, O P
4-May-2016Insect juvenile hormone mimicsGhose, JagannathVig, O P
5-May-2016Natural product syntheses syntheses of some insect sex pheromones and structurally related compoundsVerma, SadhanaVig, O P
4-May-2016Studies in the syntheses of juvenile hormone analoguesBedi, Asha LataVig, O P
19-Apr-2016Studies in thiopegans related compounds and their intermediatesNarang, Amarjit SinghVig, O P
4-May-2016Syntheses in mono and sesquiterpenesRam, BhagatVig, O P
4-May-2016Syntheses in sex pheromonesVohra, NeelamVig, O P
4-May-2016Syntheses in terpenoidsPuri, Suresh KumarVig, O P
4-May-2016Syntheses in terpenoidsKumar, NarinderVig, O P
4-May-2016Syntheses in terpenoidsKumar, NarinderVig, O P
4-May-2016Syntheses in terpenoidsSharma, Madan LalVig, O P
4-May-2016Synthesis in terpenoidsSalota, Joginder PaulVig, O P
4-May-2016Synthetic experiments in insect juvenile hormone mimicsSingh, GulzarVig, O P
4-May-2016Synthetic experiments in lepidoptera pheromonesSharma, SanjivVig, O P
4-May-2016Synthetic experiments in terpenoidsKad, Goverdhan LalVig, O P
29-Apr-2016Synthetic experiments in terpenoidsChander, RameshVig, O P
4-May-2016Synthetic investigations in biologically active juvenile hormone mimicsSabherwal, Arun KumarVig, O P
4-May-2016Synthetic investigations in juvenile hormone mimicsSingh, JasvinderVig, O P
4-May-2016Synthetic investigations in terpenoidsLal, ManoharVig, O P