Browsing by Researcher/Guide Varadachari, V V R
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
27-Apr-2024 | Some physical and chemical studies of the waters of the Northern Arabian Sea | Sankaranarayanan, V N | Varadachari, V V R |
28-Jun-2023 | Some physical and dynamical aspects of waves in the sea | Sengupta, Debasis | Varadachari, V V R |
8-Sep-2022 | Studies on the geological aspects of the beaches of Goa in relation to some meteorological and physical oceanographic factors | Veerayya, M | Varadachari, V V R |
16-Nov-2022 | Studies on the physical aspects of shoreline dynamics at some selected places along the west coast of India | Satyanarayana Murty, C | Varadachari, V V R |
7-May-2013 | Studies on the physical aspects of the mud banks along the Kerala coast | Kurup, P Gopalkrishna | Varadachari, V V R |